Anonymous ID: 18bd79 March 9, 2025, 8:30 p.m. No.22733472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3487


They got pink semi and a church now saying “one love” and songs and so on maybe people do not realize how much or a psyop this is in this way now. This where it is not who I think is the Q group doing this but people claiming to know them and speak for them or with their authority. This is becoming more and more of an issue. As now anyone with any government position or someone who thinks they know something now wants to claim to be Q or part of a group like this so on playing “we” or “one” or “re” to sound like “we” all these things in ways that evolved to hide in what ever way so on. If it was real they would not need to hide in open sources so much. This where people get defensive if you say things like “we” as it seems to be for department of education or army so on so mult means are given and who knows these open source groups you do not have to be either to make comments in so on. So again find your nearest useful idiots to manipulate that maybe good hearted people. They do it to both sides is the reality and seems like a psyop has morphed off this to play both sides of the rest of the population for personal gain.


Sorry if people do not like this but I was talking about antifa blm 10 years ago so on now Antman or AA connected to it for about a year now which no one maybe believe so on. This is not maybe bad but it is also a thing is only these people for AA is the issue… or is AA only for these types… so that is the issue of things


Then you have region mixed so on mostly good hearted but I think communist progressive learned to miss lead them as they are the most trusting. Easiest to manipulate I think they believed.


So this what is going on so on police and so on have been caught in the middle of things and do not know what to do. Seems they been in a situation that they are over regulated and pushed to do things they should not as well though gas lighting.


For the most part it has made it hard for anyone to do their job…


So now the police maybe afraid of these people trying to extort or set them up so on sue them… and are becoming very aware of the games taking place and how involved they are.


Swating is likely becoming a more common thing now and this where I talked about it 2 years ago so on…


So this is where no one believe things at first and usually hears about them only when it is about to end so on.


So this where are these people really in the know are at the front os things going on or are they just trying to be cool. Some are just trying to help and hold things together but they are often the ones they try to manipulate the most as the big heart is who they learned to target.