Make no mistake this is the same thing they are trying to manipulate so the red letters are the red shirts acting like they are the pope with red shoes walking in blood so on…
So this is likely a manipulation tactic is all… they like to exploit children as swating tools is the idea. It is becoming the last one that is effective… so then if your a parent I would be very careful about who your kids are hanging out with now. They could be having people use them as tools of manipulation friends or theirs parents and so on.
Just some helpful advice you will start to see this as the system goes down.
This where ms 13, cartels, mob, and gangs are very aware of this now so this where better people situationally in society will be targeted to hide behind and also maybe even their kids to make friends with in church.
So this now likley to happen until it is tuned off as funding is being limited and the less funding means the more extreme action is needed for attention… Ai maybe tuned down so on in this aspect and ways now or some being ignored in areas now so on or from types or people.
So you heard me tell you about antifa blm then now Antman and AA… you hear me talk about rhino and then church and so on being manipulated… you heard me talk about communist targeting these church’s so on and more…
Now in the next 6 months maybe 9 depending on how long they let this go on you will see the wheels come off ir is just starting now.
Good luck to you all may want to spread the word spend time only with the closest to you so on…