Anonymous ID: 68e7f3 March 9, 2025, 7:46 p.m. No.22733351   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Indirectly Psyops lead me here. There was a guy I worked with as a mortar who had swapped to psyops and he had stopped by the unit to visit because we were about to deploy. It was lunch and I was in the common room talking about a shit about Sceintology and how they were suing over those videos on youtube. I was like we should make a video using socket puppets comparing Sceintology to Aliens vs Predators and how the later was much more realistic. I was like we are going to be in Afghanistan in a few weeks so they would lose a PR war if they tried to sue us to remove it. It was meant as a joke at the and the idea of a naked Tom Cruise puppet with googly eyes running through the sunflowers. So this guy at the time was like you really need to check out this place you will fit in there and it was /b. After that deployment I got out of the mil I found my self on their a lot and things adjacent to. Which over a long enough timeline come to here.

The chans have been a nexus for all sorts of various operations by various factions. Also the story I told was not meant for you so you can tell me it is cool,it is only meant those who happened to be there and know exactly who I am.