>show your hand
the debt clock is a meme. It's just some nonsense extrapolation with a fixed ticker from 10 years old data.
Seriously guys. This must be the worst globo homo invention ever.
Insect milk, troongroom schools, niggers, expensive food, pajeets everywhere..
I think this is it guys. I don't think i can take it anymore.
Why are moms pushing their kids into troonery and circumcision so hard? Is it some kind of misandry?
The insectmilk broke me. I'm going to become caveman now. Wish me luck.
This is one of the most popular threads on reddit. The webserver hosting propaganda for literal terrorist cells.
We gotta help elon or doge is dead
We should help him bro. He is getting attacked by everyone and nobody is doing anything to help
Money can't help him if 40% of the country wants to kill him. We gotta counter-meme their threats somehow..
How about you try spamming on reddit instead, if you are so smart?
Well even if its 3% thats like 10 million people. What could money possibly do to help him? No this is obviously an ideological war. Its us vs them.
im looking at the comments in x.com . He keeps getting ratio'd a lot
>Fuck you @KeithOlberman Commie Commie fuck Commie Commie TRAITOR Commie DEEPSTATE go fuck yourself fucking Commie fuckers
im gonna be sad if elon dies
bro they made the tesla stock drop 25% in a few days. They want him dead asap.
but I'm le relaxing
I dunno man. If we do nothing its going to die. The tide is shifting against him and its chronic, its getting worse.
Here's an idea:
I'm thinking if we have this narrative. Instead of letting them call it "anti-racist activism" we just call it "reddit terrorism".
That way we can pin it towards mentally ill redditors instead of letting them seem like some kind of political heroes. If reddit dies the violence will probably calm down a little.
They are organizing shit ton of activism on reddit. They post all their "terror bragging" on reddit too, in hopes of stimulating copycats.
From there they post links to tons of discord and telegram servers where they ultimately plan the terrorism or some final step after that.
All these troon services such as discord and twitch tolerate leftist terror.
They ban you if you upvote things that go against the narrative. Usually things with too many downvotes get deleted.
reddit is a massive state run data collector. It steals content from the entire web and then lets people discuss it on their platform. Only to sell database to highest bidde. Its parasite tech.
I'm thinking, the best way to defeat a parasite is by parasiting on the parasite.
We could clone the entire website and then just copy all the threads from reddit to the reddit-clone. And leech its energy.
hey jim. You wanna make some money? Just make a reddit clone, and steal all reddits threads. praise kek
Tit for tat brotha. Could probably make AI that steals their threads automatically.
fuck them. Commies lose.
Well we can do both bro. Leech the energy and nail them. Fuck them in all ways
How big percentage of the media are traitors? 10%? 20%?
Who is we?
Drink it.
not a single strawberry in the thread, what a disappointment
sound nice
We should do a trucker convoy again
I don't really care what happens in iran
Female shaming language. We shouldn't get involved at all. Let them all kill each other for all I know. I would rather do spend the money on research on anti-nuke tech.
Low T shaming language. You will never be a woman, stacy.
based. But what if you are forced into WG recruitment?
Isn't the syrian war mostly shia-vs-sunni?
Who and why is somone trying to make it into a different narrative?
can't we just ban youtube embeds?
>Keeping nukes in the yard
>Literally snowing on nukes
How is this planet still alive?