I think lawyers get a bad rap a lot of times. It is not what you know but how you use it. This is a thing that deals with the legal system as an issue allowing for to much bs going on in suets and not enough of what needs to be going on…
So lawyers are very important but I think like tech bubble to many have gotten a degree in it now. So it is over run as it goes many of them are not up one the latest tech as well which is just stating to apply to integration standards.
This is going to take another 5 years likely for tech to fully integrate with the legal system and 10 to maybe fully be implemented. This is so no mistakes can be made in this way as it seems so many may have already been taking place. So this where it needs to be an issue that is addressed is simple as that.
This where legal system need to be improved things are taking far to long in things for any real productive means or outcome to take place. I believe this in many areas going on in the government.
I believe it is important to realize that “those that run quick are quick to fall.” WS so on
So this is to be noted very strongly as courts retain liability for procedures that must be fallowed. This is the most important area of government that any tech could be applied to in some type of practical form. I am very much for hard copies being available.
However beyond a master copy so on or a few so on it could be easy to make a ubs standard copy with binding standards applied to it in these ways. This would allow accessible and easy to get any number needed so on. An online ordering system maybe something to consider or if in sensitive type of things a request by mail… or in the most important hand delivered this could be done in this way.
Things such as coded numbers with access maybe needed and clearances to be also needed for ability to even print some of these documents so on. These systems need to be set up with great care and likely the NSA needs to get with the DOJ so on on this kinda thing. They may have some is this and I do not know about it yet because it is not my area I deal a lot with so to speak.