Anonymous ID: 397cbd March 10, 2025, midnight No.22734008   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As usual auto correct admired bs this is where it auto corrects things that are not how it should be.


So this where again this a thing that I no longer look at woman period in any way. From what I understand they have told me I must do as I am told and marry a woman that is a crazy feminist progressive or date then… then not you must become gay with African American gay men.


Any woman from foreign countries regardless are now being taught to seek men from America to exploit is the thing. They are likely told to marry them in California so after 10 years they can get alimony for life at the same time as a 10 year green card.


This is the easiest way for them to do things in this way.


It is sad as I once though that people could fall in love with anyone from anywhere and it be accept more easy now these days.


Most of all I believe this is a CTR skit that because she is blonde that people would just date them so on and they are not ethic or Asian so to speak.


So before even looking at hearing the video I read the statement this was enough for me not to want to hear it. Next the fact that she was blond is a thing that is like well I guess they are doing a CTR skit and you have to be less white is the whole idea.


So no need to click on bait is the thing… nothing makes sense period. It is likely some fake Ai that angry feminist want to run around calling plastic and say is not the correct image of woman. This is unless they are their ideal image they want to train American to accept.


This why the birth rate is going lower is the reality. This where men no longer are really interested in relationships due to the issue that are being created now and how people are going about things. Extortion and exploitation of men is being commonly acceptable for woman to do… so this is the issue with what is going on.


I believe when this is over I will be suing for damages for things of this nature and what has happened that it is never that I would not want to have a family or relationship, it is more this is the perception I have about any woman that approach me or are around now as it seems they are directed my way.


So this where I am not interested in a relationship now as I seem to have a mob or what ever targeting me and to the point I believe they may try to have a woman paid to try to extort or exploit me ins some type of way.


It just is what it is now in this way