Is kid Rock a liar? 2 minutes into the interview with Bill Maher and Bill Maher says "the one thing that everybody likes about you and me is that we're not liars." Then Kid Rock says "that's why I like ya." So, either Kid Rock is an idiot who has no idea what Bill Maher did to the children whose names Q remembers… or Kid Rock is a liar who is trying to deceive Bill Maher. Be honest and say I think you're a piece of shit, what's all this about Q calling you out, Bill? And don't laugh it off!" Why is it a good thing for Trump to meet Bill Maher for dinner? And while we're at it, why is it a good idea for Charlie Kirk to give Gavin Newsom advise on how the Democrat Party can win over the young people? What's going on? You don't build bridges with Gavin Newsom and Bill Maher. Those two are the enemy, whether we're talking about Gavin's part of 4 families 3 generations, or Bill Maher's children whose names Q remembers. Now cue the shills who will say maybe Gavin and Bill aren't that bad maybe they can find some middle ground. What middle ground? The ground between us who want America to thrive, and them who want to destroy America? You don't come halfway with someone who wants you dead.
During the interview with Gavin Newsom, when asked about how horrible San Fransisco is with the homelessness, fucking GOVERNOR of California Gavin Newsom actually said "Well, you know, I wasn't elected to be Governor of San Fransisco." Totally wiping his hands of ANY responsibility because he's not the Mayor. Same with the fires in LA. He said "I don't even know what Trump is talking about with the whole 'SMELT FISH' and water flow… Southern California's reservoirs are all full and fine." What a dick. I voted for Trump in hopes that Gavin and Bill Maher will be found guilty for their crimes and sent away forever, at the very least. I hate that Bill Maher's having dinner with POTUS. Even if Trump uses it as an opportunity to scare Bill, I'm tired of these fuckers feeling 'scared' or 'panicked,' I want them to feel pain. It's been 7 years, let's see some arrests and convictions and deportations and PAIN! Patience at this point feels very close to the enemies stalling tactic. Is that why there aren't any antifa riots right now, because they're standing down, in order to lull us into a false sense of ease, while they stall the shit out of Trump's plans.
>>(Kid love productions), and scorched Cali?