The budge is being looked at is the thing. They did not account for this factor. Programs are likely funded to a point. However they needed more funding so on then is there so now this is a major issue for them. They are needing to stop pretty much and being requested to. The Congress I believe will defund this stuff going on so it no longer can continue if it makes it to much longer.
So taxes are due for people on April 15 this is when Budgets are being made or talked about funding. So then if anyone wants funding for things it forces issues to be addressed is the thing. So it is likely by the end of May is the latest this can maybe drag on to in some form. However if funding is approved so on it is possible that it can go to next year so on.
It is extremely unlikely though and I believe with taxes coming out it is eliminating any thing else so on. So it is likely in the next few weeks things will be address some issue likely are now being addressed more openly.
Choices will be made in the next few weeks at most is all.
Who knows for sure though I just know they can’t keep this going as it is just unrealistic in funding and just any actual reason to.
So anyways this where it sits.
Some people are in really big trouble now and only now they are coming to terms with this reality now.