Pedo government is alive and well
How many kids disappeared this weekend?
Doing a great job Pam
Pedo government is alive and well
How many kids disappeared this weekend?
Doing a great job Pam
Turmeric to detox all the garbage in your blood.
Kash has delayed Seth Rich info
The faggots at the FBI destroyed everything
Payback time
I bet your frens keep their distance
My bro ate a lot of garlic, I can see why it kept vampires away.
16 year old Florida mother killed by internet shitbag
Nerds are dangerous perverts, kick one in the nuts
Perverts OWN Trumps America
Toss those Chinese pans out
Spouse anon bought cast iron and food tastes way better
Both Teflon and ceramic cause chemical reactions when heating
Two moar weeks….kek
Cuz he was getting paid that way.
Jet fuel, basically kerosene