Things like this would have NEVER happened if they just arrested someone when they caught them fucking things up!!!…
Trump announces energy coming from Canada will now be free…
Canadian tariffs will be 25% of energy fees now = zero…
Energy 0 x 25% = zero(0)…
No, he didn't announce it…but would be fun if he did
They should close down the "Patent Office" and let TECHNOLOGY run amok…
Whomever has the BEST invention wins the most money!!!
Tired of all these PATENT BLOCKS on NEW technology…like FREE ENERGY…I don't want their free energy, I want mine own free energy
Would have never happened if they started arresting people months ago…
They would be to scared and in hiding to even start shit like this…
kek, yea, go with that.
I was thinking the same….if shit is happening behind the scenes and it was to leak out….where and what is the biggest platform it would leak out to?…."X"…so, by shutting down the platform, we can't find out what shit is going down at the moment(that is "if" shit is going down"…blinded for the time being…
Let's just wait a bit and we will see why it went down…could be big or a nothing burger…
I'm counting on something big.
I can see it now….applying to Self-deport App…
I am going to self-deport in about 5 or maybe 10 years from now…the app didn't say when I needed to self-deport, only that I needed to…