Hi I’m new here. I have a question but I don’t want to seem antisemitic. Are the Jews the children of Satan?
Just as every cop is a criminal (whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo)
And all the sinners saints (whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo)
As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer (whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo)
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint (whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo)
Are you sure? Jews predate masons.
The origins of Freemasonry are unclear, but the first Grand Lodge was formed in England in 1717.
Why are you being antisemitic?
90 UIDs? I guess people had to go back to work.
White hats did the J6 hoax. They should be put in Gitmo.
Maybe pray for it.
It’s a stupid plan for dumb dumbs by dumb dumbs.
Who the fuck votes still?
Your Lord told you about the Jews. I guess Jesus was MuhJoo?
Referring to Jews as Satan or the devil stems from the interpretation of John 8:41-44 in the Christian Bible. Here Jesus says to his fellow Jews, “For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does…. When [the devil] lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
In medieval Christian folklore and artwork, Jews were depicted with grotesque characteristics such as devil’s horns, sharp claws, jagged teeth, pointy ears, and other satanic features to portray the differences between Christianity and Judaism.
Fake news. That’s some propaganda that white hats would push tho. So they don’t end up in Gitmo.
Complacency is for assholes.
You should be sorry. I’ll pray for you.
What show?
Nobody now gonna be alive for the Find Out part. Slow plan et all.
Jew white hats.
It’s pretty boring tbh.
Choice violates free will.
Not if I was in control of the plan instead of faggot know nothing generals. You embrace (your) own suck.
We woulda been done by now if we did my plan. Generals are notoriously slow.
Who else knows they could do this plan faster than Q?
You said it.
100 years later. Here we are still.
I’m the reason the plan is working at all.
Haters gonna hate.