Obvious projection shill trying to create a fictional reality by sowing discord between anons. (You) ARE lying.
Yeah, you are. Your graphic doesn't mean shit.
These corrupt fuckers are furiously trying to divert reality and change the narrative. You can sense the panic oozing from their pores. They are throwing anything and everything against the wall in the hopes that something will work. Last ditch efforts to save their sinking ship. Buh bye rats.
When you stop and think about it, it makes you wonder why the shills spend so much time and energy in here, trying to discredit what they describe as a, "larp."
I dunno if I would say there's always a baker. Always a monitor though perhaps.
Covfefe is the liquid of life.
We have corrupt nutty leftists fucking up our country, why would Israel be any different? If you have a few bad apples in a barrel of apples, do you throw the the whole thing out? Or do you just get rid of the rotten ones?
They are SUPPOSED to, but have pretty much failed through most of history. It's ok though, God is in charge. They have been being spanked for not recognizing their Messiah when He showed up, so God blinded them for a time, but not forever.