>>22736136 PB
But if Libtards think that Trump is on the tapes, they will demand to see the tapes.
Sort of like the story of the Rabbit saying, "Please don't throw me in the briar patch."
>>22736136 PB
But if Libtards think that Trump is on the tapes, they will demand to see the tapes.
Sort of like the story of the Rabbit saying, "Please don't throw me in the briar patch."
Joo Trek
Every day they prove they are exactly what people accuse them of being.
muhjooshills are the rabbis who paint swastikas on the synagogues and then say, "See how they persecute us."
So when the real vids come out, the baddies can't claim they are deep fakes?
Is this setting a precedent for another group of people who might have dual citizenship?
Looks like we need some JooBeGone for this Sisson Joker.
Around 600 AD a bunch of Kazarians decided to convert to Judaism so that they could screw everyone and get away with it.
Right around the same time as the religion of Islam appeared.
All history is fantasy.
Everything you have ever been taught your whole life has been propaganda.
History is yesterday's Fake News.