Just so you know,
it's everyone but the Juice,
per the Juice.
Just so you know,
muhjoos are actually Juice.
They play this game where they try to make themselves into victims.
That's what bullies do, they bully people and then claim that they are victims.
Boo hoo, don't pick on the Juice.
Now if they could just get rid of that horrible RINO senator, Lisa Murkowski.
How can State laws get away with being Unconstitutional?
It's not slander if it's true.
Indeed, it is, and soon the Whole World will know and there will be no place to hide.
Need to get rid of the greedy Unions.
How about Trade Schools instead of useless High Schools.
Forget about the stupid proms and sports teams.
High School drags out adolescence.
By the age of 16, a kid should be in college or in a trade school learning something of value, not reading Romeo & Juliet.
If they want to read Romeo & Juliet, they can do it on their own time, not on the government's dime.
School "policies" should never supersede the 2nd amendment.
The right to bear arms, does not mean keep your gun locked in your car where you cannot get to it if you need it.
The sauce is FA FO
The division is Good vs Evil.
And soon the World will know who is Evil.
The World is Watching.