❗️ Elon Musk says IP address behind ‘MASSIVE’ cyberattack on X originated ‘in the Ukraine area’
❗️ Elon Musk says IP address behind ‘MASSIVE’ cyberattack on X originated ‘in the Ukraine area’
are all the world leaders working together to bring the debt based financial system down slowly and restart it with asset based economy?
its begins with trade wars …
you dont know what you dont know
the grandfather clock at midnight …
i think elon will eventually change X back to Twitter, after all is revealed
so much of the code still says Twitter, X must mean we still in the storm
follow the jewels …
the inside is hollowed out
its advanced civilization
solar powered sun sail
consider the vastness of space
funded by UK
The cost of each Fabergé egg reaches millions of dollars today, but, even before that, they were worth a fortune. The largest collection (more than 50 eggs) was owned by the Romanovs. But the second largest collection of 7 eggs belonged to Varvara Kelch, wife of Siberian industrialist Alexander Kelch. Every year, from 1898 to 1904, he ordered her an egg for Easter. Varvara took the ‘Egg with panels’ with her to Paris in 1904 and sold it at auction in 1920. And, in 1933, King George V purchased it from the then-owner as a Christmas present for Queen Mary in 1933.
The British collection has a total of three Imperial Easter eggs made by Fabergé (we wrote about them here) and another one made for Russian entrepreneur Alexander Kelch. The Colonnade Egg is a jewelry clock dedicated to the birth of Tsarevich Alexei, the heir to the throne, in 1904. Angels symbolize the children of the last Romanovs.
Emperor Nicholas II gifted this clock to his wife for Easter 1910 and, after the Revolution of 1917, it was confiscated by the Bolsheviks and sold a few years later to Emanuel Snowman in London. In 1931, he sold it to Queen Mary and King George V.
its true, sorry
theyre trying to hide it, but not only do they have superior technology but they superior sense of humor
the world about to change for the BEST
whats coming is GOOD
Enamel and topaz box by Ovchinnikov
This nice piece was made by court jeweler Pavel Ovchinnikov.
The date of this tiny box is unknown (probably late 19th or early 20th century), but it was presented to Queen Mary on her birthday by the Royal Household, on May 26, 1928.
It is made of enamel and decorated with a huge blue topaz surrounded by sapphires.
Stuck around St. Petersburg
When I saw it was a time for a change
Killed the Tsar and his ministers
Anastasia screamed in vain
The Royal Collection holds portraits of the Romanovs, mostly by famous foreign artists. Here you can see Alexander I by George Dawe, 1826, Nicholas I by Franz Kruger, 1847 and others. This portrait of Nicholas II was made by Russian master Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky. In fact, he usually depicted scenes from rural life, but he also made several portraits of the Russian royal family. The last Russian emperor gave his portrait to Edward VII after their meeting in June 1908. It was placed in the Centre Room at Buckingham Palace.
I rode a tank, held a general's rank
When the blitzkrieg raged
And the bodies stank
This portrait depicted the second daughter of Emperor Paul I Elena. In fact, this is a miniature of the full-size painting, one of a set of portraits of all Paul’s four daughters. The exact author of the miniature is unknown, but this is most likely Petr Zharkov, who made similar artworks that are now on display in Pavlovsk near St. Petersburg. This miniature has been in the Royal Collection since the 1870s.
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, ah yeah
Royal Collection Trust/His Majesty King Charles III, 2022
Sergey Levitsky (1819-1898) was the court photographer of the Romanovs. Just imagine, four generations of emperors posed for him! In addition, he photographed all the famous Russian writers of his time: Nikolai Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, Alexander Ostrovsky, Ivan Turgenev and others. In the British collection, there are dozens of his works, which are more than 130 years old. Most of them are photos of the Romanovs.
I watched with glee
While your kings and queens
Fought for ten decades
For the gods they made
Royal Collection Trust/His Majesty King Charles III, 2022
Several jewelry cigarette cases that belonged to the Romanovs are now museum pieces. For example, this gold cigarette case with a diamond and sapphire was made by Faberge and believed to have been a favorite cigarette case of Tsar Nicholas II. The Romanovs ordered similar cigarette cases especially for their relatives in Britain, King Edward VII and Queen Mary. They are also kept in the collection.
I shouted out
"Who killed the Kennedy's?"
When after all
It was you and me
Royal Collection Trust/His Majesty King Charles III, 2022
The visit of Russian Emperor Nicholas I to Britain in 1844 was the first in 30 years, when, in 1814, the both royals celebrated the defeat of Napoleon. When he returned home, Nicholas I sent this vase made by the St. Petersburg Imperial Porcelain Factory to Queen Victoria. It is still kept at Windsor Castle.
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer
'Cause I'm in need of some restraint
we are already transhumanist society for decades
dialysis machines
the true Mark of The Beast
is Death
the vaxx was mark of the beast
killing your neighbor if its not self defense is mark of the beast
youre marked like cain so when the reapers come
tale as old as tyme
i think they put some in my vanilla flavoring in my starbux
oh well, st john the baptist ate grasshoppers and honey
i think X means everythings still hidden
i mean why do i have to change x to twitter to post an x link here? plus the twitter icon comes up a lot in place of the x logo in different places here or there
Talk show host Wendy Williams finally leaves assisted living where she claims to have been held in a 'prison'
She is taken away by ambulance after dropping desperate 'Help! Wendy' note out of window
Williams in a guardianship battle, claims she does NOT have dementia
nursing homes should be abolished
small care homes or oh my gosh FAMILY could replace them easily
of course, its a a special kind of hell
youd be surprised how many blood sucking family members stick their "loved ones" into a nursing home, and take control of their house and finances, put it into their names, its disgusting
how a society treats their children and their elderly is how they are judged by history
all it takes is a car crash, step off the curb get hit by a bus
you wake up trached and pegged in bed one of two bed beige colored room and nurse ratchet is leaning over you loading another bag of TPN for your belly, yum
i hope RFK jr can eradicate this stage of life somehow
elon too
just because youre stoopid ukranian internet connection about to be shut off and you cant attack this board
boo hoo
its fucking UK, which run by germanic house of hesse and prince alberts descendents
hitler was nothing but a puppet of UK
romanovs took out by bolsheviks funded by UK
follow the jewels
who killed the KENNEDYS?
who was Diana running from?
I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain
Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate
Good King Harry
UK reign
Harry is the True Heir
why do you think Harry was brought to America?
reverse genetic engineering
obama will be nominated for best actor in a storm, although i dont think he will win
is that DJT time travelling again??
i heard einstein was wong
Fed Reserve Board
on east side of WH
on F and E streets
US Treasury on north side
F and E street
you know, that might be G street under F street, oopsies, need to find out
G street would be cool tho too
funny 17th street borders WH, funny that