Since when does a premier get to impose a tariff on a country? Provincial tariffs on top of national tariffs? That fat fuck is a flipflopping retard. Talks tough but is just the Canadian version of a RINO. His crackhead brother had more integrity than that sleazy clown does.
Joke's on you, faggot. I've been laughed at my entire life.
I've had just about enough from activisit judges legislating from the bench to obstruct justice in a manner that could endanger citizens.
S'up, parasite? Does imitating SP make you feel like you're winning? I fail to see how continually making yourself a malignant caricature of a decent person no matter what meme you post helps you at all, failfag.
I find it more funny that the shills still expect everyone to pretend that no one can tell each other apart because of some rule from halfchan about how they want anonymity to be. Now the shills are trying to be famefags themselves, breaking the very rules they tried forcing onto others with gangstalking and harassment.
He says "fuck" like he's brandishing a buttplug, wearing a COVID mask, and asking for all the soybeans in the building.