1/2 of Congress on that train? HMMMM
Today on ride home from werc………Listening to NPR All Things Concidered…………..top story TG 2nd CDC resignation…………hmmmmm one would thing 1/2 of Congress in a train wreck would be top story on NPR (CIA)>>227600
Dec 18 2017 22:51:20
Anonymous ID: fc4520
Seconding this. The context of that train crash seems relevant. High value target aboard?
Dec 18 2017 22:53:53
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 82d434
We would not 'intentionally' harm a person in the pursuit of a TARGET.
This was retaliatory re: ATL.>>227748
That train wreck was no "accident". There was a purpose.>>227886
Of all the trains and planes running and Congress was aboard..timing is everything>>227949
This ONE particular train? At this particular time? With these particular people on board? NO COINCIDENCES!>>227974
Which dirty RINO Republicans..were NOT on that train?>>227997
Is there a list of what Republicans were on that train? and who was not on that train?>>228078
Trying to find a list of Congressmen on and not on that train………..anyone have a clue?
Who…….(exactly) was driving the truck? WHO are the people who lived? Who (exactly) died? Anyone got names?>>228226