They gave me my memories back. Pain. That is the key to waking up.
I really do need to heal. My children are in danger if I snap. I spend a lot of time away from them when they need me badly because I have nowhere to direct the anger. They can't defend themselves.
I want to stop being targeted and harassed by whoever has me under surveillance, find someone who can provide emotional support and not abuse me, or at least find a way to not be dependent on others for my basic needs.
>According to my own intelligence source, this same video was leaked to the Dark Web
It's a psyop.
Time for disclosure on the HRC video Q.
They use psyops like SaRaAshcraft and the HRC video to label us as conspiracy theorists to be dismissed by other subgroups keeping us divided.
If I'm wrong about Sara I apologize profusely.
Your overton window is expanding.
You are understanding the psyop.
You are waking up.
I'm not against the psyop, people need to be woken up and there is plenty of truth to it. I can't help you unless you tell me everything. That's a lot of power Q, I don't trust you.
How odd, one of the jumpers brought up that exact story.
Heroes make us believe we don't have to take care of the problems ourselves. Being in full control of them is a tippy top priority for anyone in power.
Tippy top.
Q, I need to heal.