Hate to break it to you fags but the problem is not the composition of the FED but the FED System and fiat reserve currency system. You can change the composition of the FED board members all you want, but the US money supply will still be controlled by a private cartel of banks that are able to print money out of thin air.
The Federal Reserve System must be ended.
The first step being to audit the Fed. Ron Paul championed this policy and Rand has picked it up.
"Taking control of the Fed" by nominating new members is like rearranging chairs on the deck of the titanic.
Not a shill. Huge fan of DJT and what's going on, but it's important for us to keep things in perspective.
Anyone wanting to research the FED should read:
The Creature from Jekyll Island - G. Edward Griffin
End the FED - Ron Paul
The Case Against the FED - Murray Rothbard which is available in PDF here - https://mises.org/library/case-against-fed-0
I am an anarchocapitalist fag and have studied the FED and the nature of the State for over 10 years.