One reason Democrat politicians talk a lot about inequality may be that Democrat-dominated states have much higher levels income disparity.
These people are sick
Elon, any of your doing?
One of your Boring machines? Or one of your scintillating sparkling suicideomobiles?
Care to donate a pocket submarine for rescue maybe? Or some more outlandish rescue tech proposal from your preposterous engineers? Seize your opportunity for some gratis publicity now!
Does a digger dig?
The worlds higher echelons are populated by more Cohens than almost any other surname.
All of whom have proved to be Jewish.
I've never known a non-Jew who changed his name in a notorious Jewish one while claiming not to be Jewish.
So, yes, I presume he is in fact of Jewish descent.
True that.
Like Stormy was probably.
It must be one of the tenets of 5D-chess.
Might be one of the main reasons Trump keeps getting accused of lying; the left has no grip, no grasp on him, they can't pin him down with him being several moves in advance.
Oksana Sjatjko, founding member of the liberal feminist FEMEN group has been found dead with a suicide note in her Paris apartment. The 31 year old Ukrainians group has been financed by the Brooklyn born Jewish mogul Jed Sunden .
says who?
I say:
Bring it along anon!
Only I think you are bullshitting us.
>from the wrong side
Whadda ya mean? Jean Claude Junckers preparing a coup to become an unelected despot?
Surprise: he already is.
Break the EU, long live Europe, a place for christian inspired white folks!
Kill off all degenerates, sandniggas and African invaders and their traitorous accomplices!
Our favorite muslimgoreniggawhorefag with penis envy is at it again haleluja.
go away then anon, you ain't helping here AFAIK.
You are falling for the slides, complaining and seeking for others to help you out.
Do something useful with your life but do it elsewhere please if you can't take the heat.