Anonymous ID: 59542b July 25, 2018, 6:39 a.m. No.2278545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8733

From Jim Stone this evening:

What if Trump was the "curse" of the blood moon tetrad?


Remember the blood moon tetrad I talked about a few years ago?


It happened over 2014-2015. It was supposed to be doom for Israel. What happened right after the blood moon tetrad? Trump got past the election rigging that has traditionally been done by Jews and took the presidency.

Make no mistake. The Jews despise Trump. The virtually totally Jewish owned media obviously hates him, the TOTALLY Jewish owned tech industry, with Google, Twitter, Faceplant all hate Trump, there's no question he's their bane despite him rattling the cage at Iran and giving Israel a bunch of army toys. They HATE HIM. And what has happened since he took the presidency?


They have had everything exposed. He walked right in like an untouchable god and totally derailed concerted and organized attempts to destroy him. What if Trump was the "curse" of the blood moon tetrad? It sure fits.


It is the Jews that want Europe and the United States dissolved under a wave of un-checked third world migrants. And the world has woken up to it. Now they are facing severe opposition, AFTER the blood moon tetrad.


The Federal Reserve may bite the dust, during this presidency which happened right at the end of the tetrad. And what about the supreme court? What about the TPP? How about the efforts to ruin America via foreign government subsidized trade wars? And now, their holy grail of abortion is even about to be spilled. What if Trump decided to screw Iran and suck up to Israel as part of his game of (insert number) dimensional chess?


They say Trump's not popular. They say he "popped" to 45 percent approval lately, and that it is his highest approval ever. How short do they think everyone's memory is? After Trump canceled the nuclear treaty with Iran and gave Israel a few toys, they said he was over 50 percent, (52 percent if I remember right) and now his all time high is "45 percent"? Yeah. Fake numbers. Always fake fake numbers. You can't get anything real, it is always fake, and THE BIGGEST DOOM OF THE TETRAD HAS HAPPENED: FAKE DOES NOT CUT IT ANYMORE.


What was it that I heard once upon a time - that motto of the Mossad - "By way of deception thou shalt do war"? We have seen it. We have seen it as the media lies about Trump, as Twitter lies about Trump (by blocking positive comments) and as Faceplant lies about Trump via rigging of feeds and Google lies about Trump by blocking everything positive and only allowing a negative view - doing so is not honest, it is WAR BY WAY OF DECEPTION. If that is the motto of the most prized agency the Jews can muster, and that motto is failing it's end objective - to get rid of Trump - despite all efforts to make it come alive, what does that mean? What does it mean, while Trump remains the bull in the china closet despite their full application of that motto?


It means they are probably screwed. Out of NOWHERE Trump came, and wrecked their "pedovore" orgy. He came right out of the moon and landed like an alien with an invincible weapon, one their lie factory can't shut down. One their tech factory can't shut down.


Let's all watch while the curse comes to fruition. No matter how much they blather in their fake media, they can't combat Trump effectively because the lies simply are not working. They failed across the board, 100 percent. Maybe they will get full censorship going to allow them to ram their deception through the heart of Western civilization, as they have planned, to get it all under control, to zombie march everything to it's death. But at that point there has to be a big question asked: If they succeed in total censorship, did they accomplish it too late?


BTW, this not "Muuh Joos" from me! Don't care about your religion, race, colour, only your decency.