>>2277918 (lb)
Maybe before this past Christmas they could have; The NSA took The 7 Dwarves away from the clowns though, IIRC.
The user.js scripts that power the spambots aren't capable of that.
>>2277918 (lb)
Maybe before this past Christmas they could have; The NSA took The 7 Dwarves away from the clowns though, IIRC.
The user.js scripts that power the spambots aren't capable of that.
Hit the plus sign next to the little blue arrow maybe?
> did you know? :)
I do not care. You do you and keep trying to protect your Satanist baby eating freinds, k?
This is actually poetic.
DJT is attacking pedos, first of all, so: The pedowoods just ejected him from their "club list" for it. They have symbolically separated Trump, from themselves.
I'm sure your clown buddies have made use of whatever board information you had, LongCon.
I'm not going to call you Fungus anymore. You're longCon now.
You seem very triggered. Maybe it's because you really are trying to protect the satanic pedos?
>Still nothing but ad-hominems and projection
So why have you accused others of things which you, yourself do freely? And have done freely for months?
Why is it that you can do all of these things, but no one else can?
Clowns do that. Are you a clown or something?
>I'll bet a dollar that clown I just responded to
>ID: 8fab6c (49) No.2278383
>times their response for endโof-bread ;)
..Or we can disband the CORPORATION that the FED is, and go back to using the Treasury to issue the nations money, as was the initial design.
This central banking shit is a cabal thing.
National currency is where it's at.
>BUT there are 70+ posts complaining about the bakers.
yeah.. DINGDINGDING.. Its an attack