My fav was when this anon posted a cloud pic that looked like POTUS. Then a couple breads later =,e,= posted a Cloud pic that looked like Godzilla. Gotta admit that put my train-of-thought on a diff subliminal track.
My fav was when this anon posted a cloud pic that looked like POTUS. Then a couple breads later =,e,= posted a Cloud pic that looked like Godzilla. Gotta admit that put my train-of-thought on a diff subliminal track.
A masculine football name combined with a Hipster goatee got all them coastal commies confused AF right now. The 20-0 landslide win in Malheur county might put him over the top.
>New loomer post
Am I the only one that raises an eyebrow whenever there's a vandalism story being told by a jap?