So about the sovereign citizen movement
You are either sovereign
Or you are a citizen
One or the other
Here's the simple breakdown
So which one are YOU?
So about the sovereign citizen movement
You are either sovereign
Or you are a citizen
One or the other
Here's the simple breakdown
So which one are YOU?
>>2. Why are you here?
Way to be so vague about it! KEK!
Got to love being given a choice!
Dark to LIGHT
You still haven't figured it out?
pretty sure it was on Dec.17 2017
Pentagon comes out and says UFO are real
Next thing you know is POTUS creating
a new branch of the Military and naming it
"Space force"
disclosure coming to light
Of one Secret Space Programs
or both Secret Space Programs
One is the SSP
And the other one Is MSSP i think
Who are you to JUDGE?