do people even read things or just parrot them over and over once someone else shares? I've heard multiple anons go on and on about how 'Trump is going to take over the FED'. When all that really means is Trump is going to appoint the majority of federal reserve board governors, which is not any sort of direct control and he's even said he doesn't agree with the direction his own previous appointee as head is going but will respect the decisions.
Thanks I'll have to go find and relook at that post, it would be great news if so
it's also ironic they associate us with Nazi's only based off the fact we tend to point out jewish control of the media industries. If anything the clowns and their puppets are the Nazi's the OSS/CIA is the ones who basically merged with the SS intelligence networks in Europe after the war and saved countless actual satanic and criminal SS members so they could continue their occult practices and satanism and develop greater chemical, biological and mind control methods
indeed it's all connected but goes so deep most people probably couldn't even fathom accepting it
yea no, weaving spiders and owls don't mix. it's the owl another representation of those who see all and live in the darkness, moloch or their mother lilith
and it comes from their worship of lilith who it's said drank blood, murdered and ate children
going to be even funnier when they seize all her assets for involvement in human trafficking
Hitler was a good man who loved his people but was used as a pawn and ended up a drug addicted mess used by others. JFK hated the CIA because of how they betrayed America and our soldiers taking in SS war criminals and continuing their dark occult experiments. Himmler was a psychopath, it was also Himmler who introduced Hitler to many of the rich men who financed the Nazi's.
I'm not a storm fag it's objective Hitler loved his people. Everything bad the Nazi's did was mostly orchestrated by Heinrich Himmler and his SS. Our own government through the OSS/CIA committed treason in forgiving SS war criminals and scientists who committed atrocities and brought them into our nation to continue their work.
yea sure post the speech that isn't normal. go ahead I'll wait. Hitler objectively loved his people and never said anything horrible except pointed out jewish control of finance and the media. It's obvious you're a brain washed sheep as you believe hook line and sinker what you've been fed as accurate history. Himmler and the SS were the true evil of the Nazi's, Hitler was used as a pawn. and this anon is correct >>2278553 the same coincidentally mostly jewish media says the same about Trump.
their owl sculptures are sculptures meant to symbolize lilith, moloch or satan. sculptor must have been a believer in the SS's real beliefs and vision
dude please research history the flanders poppy has no opiates in it. it symbolizes the dead of ww1 where it's said the flowers all bloomed red from the blood of the soldiers who died on flanders field
at this point the FED is too intertwined in the economy to just do away with it. that's not to say it can't be completely reformed and change it's mission from enriching the private owners to serving the interests of our nation and it's people. basically they could adjust the Fed so while it serves the same purpose it no longer creates money out of thin air and then expects to be paid that money back plus interest thereby enslaving our nation with funds that can never be paid back because they don't exist.