Water on Mars…
Maybe the Renicks will try to bottle it.
Lot's of companies sealed therein…
Of note though is this blurb:
Ganilau — who is also Fiji’s Minister for Defense, National Security, and Immigration — shocked the country, which has been under martial law since 2009, by emailing his resignation to Prime Minister Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama, who is traveling in China…
The fight comes at a potentially awkward moment for Fiji Water — and for the State Department, which just nominated the company for its 2010 Corporate Excellence Award. US relations with Fiji have been cool in recent years, but Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced that Washington will re-engage with Bainimarama’s regime by putting a $21 million USAID climate change office in Fiji-a move some consider an attempt to counter China’s rising influence there. “We are going to be working together with Australia to persuade the military government to meet its commitment to bring democracy back to Fiji,” Clinton said.
So Roth leaves the island when Ganilay resigns…Coincidence?