Q, will Kudlow push for NGDP Targeting?
Everytime Q posts it feels like that scene from Phenomenon where everyone asks John Travolta to heal them with his mind powers.
Not shilling, just want to point out that gold supplies can be just as manipulated as a fiat currency.
It's how they kicked off the great depression through hoarding and fuckery.
I'm still on alert for that kind of shit, gold won't solve everything, it's a metal. I don't worship a metal nor a paper.
Agreed, shutting down discussion is communist. Let them post, ignore, move on and focus up.
Or we can just let it be an example of what not to do on extended blackouts.
I disagree. Physical gold was hoarded by France and USA banking cartels for no reason other than to kick off the great depression.
Gold was weaponized to trojan horse the New Deal and NIRA. Hayek made a good point, if you have a tight economy and money standard, prepare for bigger government.
Or Nominal GDP Targeting. shrug