Most people are still not paying attention. Sure, relatively few people watch fake-ass CNN, but a LOT of people still watch news on NBC, CBS, ABC, etc and pretty much all of MSM is controlled by the cabal, and they have gotten very good at keeping the public distracted with fake news and hysteria with their nonstop attacks on the president. If things start to get too hot they stage another false flag and kill a few people and force another another shift. To the average sleeping public its different day/same shit—everyday. Oh, yep, another terror attack or a school shooting—(yawn). People don't really care even about those anymore. And they quickly forget it all.
The red pilling will occur for the masses when seriously big things start to happen that shake the foundations of the cabal. When they see big organizations being broken, and the criminals and traitors being rounded up it will be automatic and instant awakening for the majority. But it hasn't happened yet obviously because the timing isn't right. The hole is very deep. Far more players on the dark side than we ever imagined.