Anonymous ID: 198f52 July 25, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.2280878   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Serious question for Q;

How long has Q been the opposition to the Deep State/NWO/Cabal? Are we all now members of the Q organization?

The reason I ask; in Season 3, Episode 17 of the show, “X-Files,” agent Mulder is seen at the shooting range, shooting holes in a man-silhouetted target with a large, “Q,” in the middle of the target. The end of the scene makes very clear that all of the rounds hit inside the, “Q.” Has Q been around longer than we know? And was the X-Files (that many believe was controlled opposition propaganda) used to send a message to Q in that episode?

I promise that I am not trying to slide the board. It just struck me funny to see it. Perhaps the FBI really uses that type of target with a Q in the center?

I’ve posted this question before with little interest. It would be pretty fracking cool if we are all now part of an opposition movement that’s older than just a couple of years.