>>2279465 To be never again under their control is a dream come true. The President taking executive control of the Fed structure through the SecTreas is a fabulous move, as is nominating/confirming Fed Governors who are actually working for the nation and its people. Yet further moves are required, yes?
Removing "their" control of the Fed via puppets still leaves them owning the Fed. Those owners, drunk with the wealth & power stolen from America and the whole world, have more than likely indulged in activities that make them susceptible to wealth confiscation. So Fed ownership ends up with the American people……not to mention their other pools of unimaginable wealth.
However, when auditors take a gander at the Fed's "other" set of books, the one that tells all the secret, dirty deals, we may find that the Fed is actually insolvent & worthless. Well and good, as the new system (whatever it is) lurks just over the horizon.