who owns Patreon and the crowd funding sites? are ppl contributing to the blackhats, or are they run benevolently?
who owns Patreon and the crowd funding sites? are ppl contributing to the blackhats, or are they run benevolently?
think too about those coming over. If they're good workers or ppl who can contribute, why accept ppl who don't fight to improve or rebuild their original homes? Can they be counted on to improve the country? or just their own bank accounts?
"epitome" to whom? Why isn't the seed of humanity also the seed of technology? or Civility?
Exactly! Why not help improve life at home before abandoning it for their own personal gain?
Why isn't Africa, the seed of humanity (apparently) also the seed of technology or civility?
clinton photo album?
more Clinton holiday pics!
"conspiracy theorist" is a label to be proud of! Like the "Blasphemers" and "Heretics" who faced DEATH and still got us out of the Dark Age!
CNN christmas party pics
no nameless, photo album pics?
as bad as it is, you're hiding from the truth about your enemies! "it only happens to others"? I GUARANTEE you that's what THEY were thinking too
nameless's gf?
yeah, but look what we did to his "Ontario" branch! NO MORE party status! Not even a single parking spot lol
ppl ARE waking up!
that from one of the, pedophile written/published storybooks?
ahhh, pics from Nameless's family history! FINALLY! lol
democrat dating site profiles?
Anderson know you raided his phone gallery?
let the idiots show their colours! they're eating each other alive and you want to stop it?