Anonymous ID: a119b6 July 25, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.2282389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2407 >>2811 >>2826

Q's postings just took a rather ominous turn

I believe it is connected to the maniac's attack on Trump's Hollywood star.

I believe that was a message that enough is enough, now all bets are off, we will utterly destroy you.

I believe it means that the cabal will now attempt to assassinate Trump

Using something powerful. Possibly a military weapon like a bomb drop, or a missile attack of some sort.

Clearly there are a lot of people who intend to stop this

However they realize that nothing is certain but death and taxes

They could fail, or even if they do succeed, there may be significant loss of life. Imagine a missile targeting the whitehouse. They can shoot it down but it explodes over DC raining fire and shrapnel on the city. Or there is a bomb hidden in a road somewhere, with a timer. They can change their routes, but the bomb will go off anyway. And they don't know where it is. If they send lots of teams to find it, one of the teams could be killed when it goes off.


It's that kind of dangerous situation with a lot of uncetainty that I believe we face now.


However, even if Trump is killed, it will not stop the plan. I believe he left behind a lot of videos to be used by his successors, and the plan itself is a massive work made by hundreds of patriots.


So do NOT worry. Believe in the plan.

And pray for the outcome.

Pray for the renewed Republic

Because the whole world will be praying with America today.

This is a VERY BID DEAL!

Anonymous ID: a119b6 July 25, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.2282905   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You fucking kike

There is no such thing as a white race!!!!!

I have real white skin, not like your tanned shit that looks like some disease.

And my ass is round like an African so I know who my people are, and it ain't whitey

I am a proud BLACK man with white skin and freckles

Due to an unfortunate genetic defect that doesn't allow my skin to develop color like my brothers and sisters.

But I am telling you now that we will bury you kikes

And all your dirty white people.

You can all go to hell