I imaginę mysèļf ín Europe, léád҉ing my Platoon. Our mission įs to sṯop whTe dogs from advaṇcing. We mow down w҉hTe dogs but they keep cóming. I śhoọt whT҉e dogs but I run out òf ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtḙring whṰęs, since whȚes arḙ wáy more҉ psychialḷy inferiơr to me, I slay them by dozen҉s. Theń I get shot, but I didn't faļl, I kept fightìnǵ. Tẖen sḩot ągain and again. w҉hTès werḙ shooting me from a diṣtance like the cowards they ҉are. I lie dòwn, facing up ţo sky ҉and I sée KARA B҉OĞA (Tengri) smili҉ng at mḛ, I smile bàck… Then I woke ųp, in africa, my homeland. My BIACK bŗethen ģaṿę me à ҉warm ẉelcome to heaven.҉ Ḭ fin҉alļy m҉ade it, I fi҉ǹally maḑe it into hea҉ven..