Q - NO GMO's in our agriculture please
Potus did wonderful with EU today!
Q - NO GMO's in our agriculture please
Potus did wonderful with EU today!
Pompeo meeting - "Where is Trump's taxes?"
Pompeo Meeting - demos ruffled. Calling Putin:
Tubinโฆโฆโฆโฆ Pludonโฆ
Pompeo - you are a true Patriot and doing FANTASTIC
Pompeo LIVE
In case some lost their feed.
GMO Soy beans.
I look forward to when Potus cleans up our agriculture.
Maybe EU standards will help lead the way.
[laughs in Sunday School Teacher]
Pompeo's doing great. I think he is starting to get fed up with their crap and I see patience starting to leaving him.
Great photo - is that today or NATO meeting?