Anonymous ID: 3353c3 July 25, 2018, 2:37 p.m. No.2285468   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2285354 (lb)


I had to look up MAP. New term for me.


Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to prepubescent children.


Hebephilia is the sexual attraction to pubescent children.


Ephebophilia is the sexual attraction to postpubescent children.


There’s another category called nepiophilia, which is attraction to babies and toddlers, but since they are by definition prepubescent it can also fall under the category of pedophilia. It is tricky to put age boundaries to these categories, since every child is different and will start and complete puberty at different ages. Technically, these categories are best defined by the Tanner stages of development or Tanner Scale.

In spite of there being all these different categories of attraction to children based on their development stage, the masses will lump everyone that is attracted to children under the pedophile label, a label that — as I mentioned — is loaded with stigma.


Coming up with new labels -

For this reason certain sectors of people attracted to children have coined a new term: Minor Attracted Person (MAP). By distancing themselves from the toxicity of the pedophile label, they want to avoid the stigma that surrounds it and the conflation of sexual abuse with attraction.


In addition, the term MAP encompasses all the different categories of attraction to children that I outlined in the previous section, and doesn’t incorrectly lump them all under just one of them, pedophilia.


Most of those who identify with the MAP label are very averse to the word pedophile, or are simply not technically pedophiles, but hebephiles or ephebophiles instead. In any case, I think it is a worthy goal to want a label you can identify with that doesn’t have such a negative baggage. They often seem to overlook, however, that the main reason it doesn’t have such baggage is because very few people outside of pedophile circles have actually ever heard it.


WOW. Just, wow.


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