Absolutely. That was our first impression.
He's giving them one last chance to live up to their oath. He could have quoted a link to the oath somewhere else; that it was on FBI website implies he's talking most particularly to current FBI people.
Absolutely. That was our first impression.
He's giving them one last chance to live up to their oath. He could have quoted a link to the oath somewhere else; that it was on FBI website implies he's talking most particularly to current FBI people.
Roger, thanks.
Does this seem like an unusual number of E3, E6, P3 and P8 over CONUS? I count 10.
(Anons: These are electronic warfare, countermeasures, advanced surveillance, command and control, etc. aircraft).
>>2286302 The ravers are loose…..fully triggered loons braying as they fly into the fire like moths. SIZZLE POP.
>Did you miss the U-28 Spectre?
Apparently I did.
I capped a U2 flying @42,500' from SF to Tahoe in a rectangular path. That's not a Spectre? Did you miss my post? Kek.