You can MAGA with her.
You will know MAGA is happeneing when there's a real baby boom. The borders must be closed and illegals be deported. The voting rolls must be purged. Then you will MAGA with her.
/They/ have no allegiance to "the Flag or the Republic for which it stands."
He can claim he was drunk so the agreements made arent valid lol.
Yo mamas so gay she hangs out with Laimfag and Leaffag in her spare time.
This is what I'm advocating for my state. Calfag
Expose these libtard fucks for their incompetence and thievery. The states need to fix themselves, with fed assistance as needed.
Let them pay for their own fucking mooslams.
The gorefaggots gotta go. NavySealThreatFag is on leave in Kauai. I'm calling out NavySealThreatFag to eliminate the gorefaggots with all due prejudice. Out.
Let's hope 2019 is full MAGA.
Pic related.
You'll know /they/ are desperate to shut down the board when /they/ start posting Killary and Chelsea nudes.
The message is to whoever is selling NG to the EU now. Russia? Saudi?
Ima gonna pay taxes on my jet jes like you all folks do!
She needs to be hotter.
If the Killary Chelsea porn starts, I'm straight to There are some things I will not up with put.
[RR] can easily be pressured to resign because too much of a distraction. He cant do his job.