This is there to poison our bodies and our minds. It HAS to go. It is an ABOMINATION against God.
The corn is NOT good for animals despite what it is said. There is too much toxic oil in it. THEREFORE THEY FEED THAT OIL TO US!
Same for soy beans, it not comestible! It's POISON. The only way to eat it safely in small quantity is to ferment it for days, and still then, it disrupts the endocrine system. It's junk,
I know farmers are depending on it, and they are trapped in Monsanto's gimmick, but it still has to go. Look how fat the midwestern women are…. Have you seen what they are doing to them??????? That is a toxin overload, a hormonal overload and the liver cannot cope.
I have lived in the midwest many years, I have seen dogs die terrible deaths, losing their hair, people dying of kidney diseases and cancer… it's SHIT.
Wake the fuck up.