Q, I want to be sure to tell you I love you and greatly appreciate your outreach to autists.
One of the most important truths learned in the Life Review at death is the blessing of having told those one has loved, that they are loved, and why they are appreciated.
Q, you have been a brilliant ray of Hope and motivation in a world gone dank and depressing.
You have exhibited professionalism, courage, forbearance, discipline, unusual powers, and encouragement to all to dig, meme, pray, and look out for our fellow patriots.
You have been consistent and endured endless flaming with grace.
You reflect most highly on President Trump and endear us to our President.
Your straightforward acknowledgement of autistic potential and skills is a huge gift and boost to us autists. In a world that does not welcome autists, where we are perennial misfits on the wrong planet, you have extended respect, encouragement and an elevated rarified standard.
You have given us a worthy job, given us a way to contribute and make a positive meaningful significant difference.
I am overjoyed you returned, pray for your safety and well being, and thank God for giving you to us.
You are the bringer of the most bad ass, crazy, wild, addictive, vital twisty turny real time movie EVER.
May Q Team be the earthly Savior of mankind and restore earth to its original promise.
May the Lord abundantly bless Q Team with complete sweet success and safety in the castle of His Holy Presence.