>When did [NO NAME] travel to the UK?
Ten days after Trump won the election, McCain led a bipartisan delegation to the Halifax International Security Forum, where NATO allies were panicked by Trump’s declaration that the security alliance might be “obsolete” amid his softening toward Russia.
Maybe this is why Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) seemed a bit groggy during Thursday’s high-profile congressional hearing: He had spent the previous week on the other side of the world, hop-scotching his away around the Pacific trying to reassure allies that the U.S. government remains in their corner.
It’s a role McCain has long played, but it’s taken on a more serious tenor in the era of President Trump. Already this year, the senator has logged more than 75,000 miles to more than 15 nations across three continents, according to his staff.
https://www. washingtonpost.com/powerpost/one-explanation-for-mccains-grogginess-a-75000-mile-itinerary-as-shadow-diplomat/