I see where you're coming from. Thanks for your insight in the matter. I've got dinar/dong/ZIM but barely any, hoping to change my situation financially but I might have to see about joining the Air Force NG. I hope this RV does happen so I could see about doing both. The roths are getting BTFO so that confirms a few things
I wish there was a place to get future info on other nations and financial circumstances for this revaluation…
Nice dubs, anon. I'm 30 with no idea what to do with my life after being rekt in my early 20s. I'm a shell of a person and this would allow me to help those in need with jobs and housing. Thanks for restoring my hope in this. I wish more people knew about this but you can lead a man to knowledge but you can't make him think…
That would DESTROY FB. Besides, it violates the 4th amendment since our data is consider an effect. We've been violated for a cool minute with (((social media)))
How do I start? I'm not interested in being a code monkey (no offense CM) but do have interest in IT/Networking…Any tips to get training to get some entry-level/mid-level type jobs?
WHAT CERTS?! Sharing is caring, lads.