Anonymous ID: 8954f8 July 25, 2018, 6:30 p.m. No.2289345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reposting from end of lb because I think this is awesome.




"I'm not optimistic that there is anyone in the administration who can speak rationally to the president in a way that will get him to change him views," Tony Silberfeld, director of the trans-Atlantic relations program at the Bertelsmann Foundation, told DW.


EU diplomats in DC also say it's next to impossible to identify a reliable conduit who is consistently in Trump's favor, even within his own cabinet. They're not sure who influences the unpredictable president — or how. Yet they insist they're willing and able to carry out business as usual on some fronts by working together through departments at different levels.

According to the European Commission, the discussions between Juncker and Trump will include how to cooperate on "a wide range of priorities, including foreign and security policy, counterterrorism, energy security, and economic growth." It will be a unique opportunity for the president of the EU's executive body to make his case to the only man who truly seems to speak for Trump — himself.


…. read that last sentence again if you missed it.



Anonymous ID: 8954f8 July 25, 2018, 6:37 p.m. No.2289468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9971 >>0091



I hope like hell that FB goes down for world takeover plans and AI overlords. Something big, and shocking.


Could be that they handed private data off to Hussein. Not as dramatic as cyborg army but I’ll take it.