Demi Lovato released her 33rd single "Sober" 33 days before her heroin overdose. Thirty three = 156. Wikipedia = 156. 33 is the number of freemason obsession.
Demi Lovato completes 26 years of life and will begin her 27th year of life in 27 days. Twenty seven = 172. Heroin overdose = 172
I told you anons, the Toronto/Trader Joe's shootings are staged just like this her "overdose" coded with Gematria. Why won't you listen?
From the day she declared her sobriety 6 years ago to the day of her hospitalization, a clean 2323 days. A number that seems to perfect to not have any meaning behind it. LeBron James Jersey number? 23. Michael Jordan's? You guessed it.