I got it, going to wait till next bread.
big drop it is I guess, sorry guys.. I didn't mean to post in this so early. Site is acting fucking wonky as hell.
How about back in early 201X Facebook started to limit reach of posts on friends list? Say 12% or around there would see what you were posting.. you could "BOO$T" your post but it cost you..
At the same time Facebook was also starting to experiment on the emotions of people. Showing positive posts, people felt positive.. that was simple enough right? Or was it as simple as they said?
A British Company SCL Group (see picture) is the "mother company" of Cambridge Analytica. Look what they are hired for.. thought control, quite literally. But they also were used to make it look like trump had connections to Russia, part of the scandal that "FACEBOOK SUSPENDS DATA MINING COMPANY OVER TIES TO RUSSIA"
We know that they hired this/these companies to spy, gather data, and literally weaponize it against conservatives.. AND DemonRats at the same time.
Conservatives would get censored, and DemonRats would never get the truth. From the pictures of these companies websites we know they are into social manipulation.
The end user piece of the puzzle.. how the dirt was done to the people through social manipulation.
LITERALLY the US intelligence people, NO NAME, GCHQ, SCL Group/Cambridge Analytica, Facebook were able to game the social media platform with an algorithm, and in real time could see if what they were doing worked.. and could tweak it to get the result they were after. They are all complicit in trying to undermine the election of 2016. There is no end to the amount of pure backstabbing evil these cunts are and their actions were.
This is a game ender for Facebook and everyone involved.
PLEASE tell me CockSuckerberg is going to hang for TREASON!!
Know this. I FUCKING HAAAAAATTTEEEE Facebook, ALWAYS HAVE.. and I HAAAAAAAAAATTTTTEEEE Hillary.. ALWAYS HAVE.. I actually followed all of this out of absolute disgust as it was happening.
wondering if there are any actual autists on the board right now..
Kek no worries. What you think about SCL Group/Analytica and what they were up to? I bet that is what it is.. 24% drop cause they were involved with tampering with election sounds about right.
No the number is around 800 now. That is prosecutors. Could be more, that was last I knew.. Q drop was saying 470 that was way back when and Huber was adding a TON more prosecutors to the ranks. Don't know exact number though.
you are such a piece of shit. History books will not talk about you specifically.. well other than Q drops, where you were just FAKE and GAY of course.
oh please.
I worked my ass off to beat the rain coming, up on a ladder all day, come fuck with me pussy.. I am raging mother fucker right now.. would love to throat punch you lil girl.
kind words, love you back
I say we give em a wash pan with battery acid only.. no toilet paper, sand paper would be like an amenity they don't get.
We need to all figure out a picture of Mohammed to paint where they will have to see each and every day.. cause FUCK Brennan and Hussein and all the pieces of shit.
how old do you think she is
Knights of Malta
problem is he already sold most his shares..
Used to think that, Q never specifically called out Jones, did Corsi though.. went from WND to InfoWars and speaking all over the place, but honestly he has connections to washington, had drops on Hussein and his friends and Gulftainer and all.. I think his lust for money and fame got the better of him.
Reminds me I need to go dig up something that has files on him and jones.
I can't stand the fact that Jones got jealous of Q stealing his thunder, but guess what ya fat fuck.. Trump is snuffing out your business model by ending the deepstate anyway.. hahahahahaha