and the red heifer was the cocaine dealer that ties them all together
there is gonna be so much dead fehgel this month
maybe i can watch teh dannalingus float down the river if i wait long enough
i canlt tell the kikes from the frump supporters
you can tell the shity cia jews from the the others
see if they have frump photos next to the pedo porn on their computer
wait till you see his fat ass fly out of that north korean cannon
find a clearing and buy some gas , so you can just torch the politicians after the bludgeoning
i think that maybe
if you spirit cook mattis
you find a grenade in your mouth later
this isn;t research
this is willfull malice
from the willfull avarice
this is neither a seqwey nor a permanent solution
shitting in a papersack has better communication skills than this US "plan"
if yall just trying to be streakers cause some piece of shit thinks it is funny
enjoy a finger in the butt
rate it on yelp
The Bank of Nova Scotia gold vault, located under WTC Building 4, is examined in late October 2001. [Source: Leslie E. Robertson and Associates]
Workers at Ground Zero discover large amounts of gold and other precious metals stored below the ruins of the WTC. As debris is removed they are able to access parts of the 16-acre WTC basement, which drops 70 feet below ground level. Precious metals are stored in numerous vaults within this area. The London Times says the quantity of these “has been a carefully guarded secret,” but estimates $750 million of gold and silver in vaults belonging to the Comex metals trading division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. There appears to have been an attempt, since 9/11, to break into a Comex vault containing $200 million of precious metals belonging to the Bank of Nova Scotia. A government official involved in the recovery work says, “It looked like they used a blowtorch, a crowbar,” but a bank spokeswoman denies there has been any attempted break-in. The banks later states that “All of the silver, gold, platinum, and palladium stored in its vaults at 4 World Trade Center” has been relocated to a depository in Brooklyn. Other gold is discovered in a service tunnel below WTC 5. According to the London Times, this was being transported through the tunnel on the morning of 9/11 (see (Before 9:59 a.m.) September 11, 2001).
"yelp" is lemminwinks slang fyi
New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani angers firefighters when he decides to severely reduce the number of them that can search for remains at Ground Zero. Until now, up to 300 firefighters at a time have been involved in the search and recovery effort. Giuliani’s decision will mean no more than 25 at a time can do so in future. The International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) later alleges that, also at this time, Giuliani makes “a conscious decision to institute a ‘scoop-and-dump’ operation to expedite the clean-up of Ground Zero in lieu of the more time-consuming, but respectful, process of removing debris piece by piece in hope of uncovering more remains.” So far, the bodies or remains of 101 firefighters have been recovered, out of the 343 who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11. According to the IAFF, the mayor refuses to even meet with local union presidents about the decision. Due to the ensuing public outcry, Giuliani will modify his policy and allow firefighters back on the pile at Ground Zero. The remains of another 113 firefighters will subsequently be found. The IAFF later alleges that “the mayor’s switch to a scoop-and-dump coincided with the final removal of tens of millions of dollars of gold, silver and other assets of the Bank of Nova Scotia that were buried beneath what was once the towers” (see (Mid-October-mid November 2001)). “Once the money was out, Giuliani sided with the developers that opposed a lengthy recovery effort, and ordered the scoop-and-dump operation so they could proceed with redevelopment.”
[Firefighting News (.com), 3/8/2007; Bloomberg, 3/9/2007; Associated Press, 3/10/2007]
IAFF President Harold Schaitberger later says, “in my opinion, it was more important for him [to] find the gold than it was to continue to find and recover remains.”
[MSNBC, 7/12/2007
way way back in old auschwitz
they would use a book of photos for the inmates
photos of faces of inmates in german is called a
later, punch cards and fortran and IBM went on to catalog the millions of inmates whom were slaughtered
since the photo books were too labourous to keep current and the tattoo system was labor intensive
the gestapi human experiments were never really official and didn;t quite stop either
most of california has weirdo leftovers from this
they call it
there is nothing as queer as evangeical new testaments
execpt the united states federal enfoorcement fehgels high on bath tub farts
the queen of england prol killed 100k children under a united states amusement park
"bath salts"
faux narcotics
was a cia plot
they even destroyed bouncing bear botanical
stole his billion dollar batch of spice
and distributed it through their Taos necromancy culters to fed employees and millitary and probabtion people
most of the chemists that designed the original indoles had very suspicious timings in their journey
quantify the murder right on the other side of our border
is it the market of death
is it the cocaine
is it muh fehgels stroking muh dick memes
i bet there has been well over 100k decapitations along the border in the past forty years
"spice" was a bunch of old indole bio chem chains were discovered in the sen=venties
"bath salts" are disgusting research chemicals with very spurious qualities