I'm not not living high on the hog. I paid into SS so I have a right to it. The company I worked for got bought out so I lost my retirement form them. Only SS to live on and that's ok. Money is tight but I get enough to eat even though half my check goes to just pay the rent. You talking white collar/college degree boomers I think. Yes I'm shocked at the greed and selfishness of my generation, but remember blue collar boomers got screwed over too. The stock market is a Ponzi scheme/shakedown operation that took away everything for a lot of us. I've seen what you're talking about going down but nobody would listen to me or anyone else who wanted to do something about it. There's trades out there that pay good and there's a shortage of skilled blue workers too. If you want a career and aren't afraid of hard work go to a trade school instead of college. A lot less tuition and it's an education and not the indoctrination you get at most universities.