REPOST – This is almost the first one I posted on the board quite some time ago and again more recently. I’ve gone and lost the post image links file so have made up another from the original docs. If I’ve missed including a link then, sorry about that Chief!
The first part with our Deputy PM / Minister of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Sir Winston Peters, being sent off on a secret mission for President Trump is most interesting and worth following up. He’s the wildcard here as he’s not of the socialist Labour Party but the leader of the NZFirst Party which was desperately needed to form a very shaky coalition government by both the major parties of National and Labour. No, Ms Ardern didn’t actually win the election or even get as many votes as the equally Cabal National Party! In the end the National Party refused to accommodate him on anything in the negotiations and tried to screw him over at the very last minute so he wound up supporting the Labour Party. It was almost as if they’d been told that it was Labours turn now and to knobble the negotiations. Hence the Rt Hon Mr Peters is a (to me) pleasant pain in the current PM’s side! He’s also an old hand at politics and a devious bastard of the first water! However, as he’s not just a run of the mill Deputy PM but a coalition partner he’d refused to say that the Russians were to blame for the ex-spy poisoning and refused to evict any Russians from the country. This angered the PM Ms Ardern so much she opened her silly mouth and stuck her foot in it yet again! This time by claiming that NZ had no Russian spies to evict! It made her and the country an international laughingstock! He’s still not badmouthed them to this day but as I wrote previously, he’s a devious bastard!
It also has some very basic info on the Rothschild and Rockefeller’s presence here in NZ.