opra is the 'queen' of entertainers.
will smith is the king.
(((they))) are responsible for 'vetting' the actors and actresses- getting the blackmail info on them.
jay-z/beyonce do it for the rap muzak peeps.
opra is the 'queen' of entertainers.
will smith is the king.
(((they))) are responsible for 'vetting' the actors and actresses- getting the blackmail info on them.
jay-z/beyonce do it for the rap muzak peeps.
The entire british invasion was a psy-op… did an entire write up here on 8ch about it. Totally comped. Winston Churchill behind the beatles, believe it or not.
Dude- you must not be a musician! RUSH is phenomenal from the writing to the intricacy of their music. And the Professor… no percussionist will EVER match him.
Why sad?
When you realize this is the life they choose- this is what they ARE… let it go!
These people are SICK!
I get it. It can be irritating, but the music! None can beat em! Neil Pert is the main lyrracist- many of their songs are steeped in the very stuff we research here; mythological magic!
They are said to be 'other-worldly'. An Anon posted a vid interview the other night… they 'channel' their musical expertise. Pretty wild!
Nice Anon!
My fav: XANADU.
Was doing a dig on Xanadu… some clues in there… "break my fast on honey dew and drink the milk of paradise" What's that about?
I know you're not a percussionist then! Prolly not a bass player either. Neither Geddy or Neil can be compared to an other.
You now it's just a 3 piece band, right? Lotta music for 3 men!
There used to be a section in/under notables that included rock music or something like that. It was a 4 post thread. True about Paul… "the one and only Billy Shears", who replaced him. They studied with a Yogi (as did the STONES) in INdia to channel the dead beatles to perfect the illusion. Cover shows them looking over their grave (pic related)
You wouldn't believe the numerology involved in everything they did. Did ya know they arrived just 6 weeks after JFK's death? Played at JFK stadium, last concert candle stick park… like all these FF events and the mourning candle holders. All their tours and releases were about 6's and 9-11's… really creepy stuff.
The subliminal was about making them the rock gods- taking America's real ROCK- Jesus. They were supposed to emulate Mathew, Mark, Luke and John… all psy op.
Take me seriously?
Doesn't matter to me, Anon.
Retired at age 30.
Life is good.
Don't give a damn what other's think of me.
Penn is wrapped up in the Haiti stuff with hrc and the children Evil bastard he is.
Agree. That whole yellow submarine thing- wtf was that? Cryptic messaging in that one. Was the album after Paul was murdered- this from that vid that went with the album. Pic is the ban playing at the funeral.
Yes. Yes you are.
When you stop caring what other's think about you, that's when you get to live.
Yeah. The idea was to replace Jesus in the USA. The beginnings of seperating familes and God from us. "ROCK GODS", right?
Since these tards aren't allowing any notables, it's a nice feeling- relaxing to not have the pressure tonight. Nice chatting with Anons.
Probable, Anon!
MZ related I bet!
There was an awful lot of subliminal mind-fukery too. Like the Bonker dudes- they worked for the queen and kept the lil people under control.
I'm liking that (((they))) work for us now! No need to rush and get bakers… no pressure. WINNING!
Lotsa Flynn on today's Qclock