Look, Gen0faggot has Boomer Daddy Issues. What a fucking loser.
"uh! muh daddy is why I am a loser!"
Meanwhile, he is working for, you guessed it, BOOMERS.
Boomers, who invented the fucking internet and device he is using and of whom is our Current President. SAD, pathetic Gen0fag. Read a book by Norman Vincent Peale or Earl Nightengale or Napoleon Hill Like boomer Trump and most Boomers who aren't losers did, soyboi, and quit blaming your daddy for your lot in life..
>My father is stupid.
Guess what he does all day after his job?
Watches the same damn stupid Hitler documentaries over and over. Thinks we saved the world. My father is a fucking prick. Always has been always will be. Brainwashed eternal boomer.
So stupid he lost his house to foreclosure and got nothing in return because he believed in the banking system and american fair play.
So go die soon boomer faggot.