Facebook stock down? I'm delighted!
Facebook stock down? I'm delighted!
Yeah, was influential in my parents generation as applied to my gen. It was popular, but not a Bible like, just a source of info.
A lot depends on the economy. These govt creeptards have been stealing the kids' legacy for the past 30 years+
She's quite the leftard.
OMG enough with the goreporn!
A libertarian truism is, Never call the police.
We desperately need Federal intervention.
Very overrated band, I saw them and many other famous bands. B band.
The feds need to purge the voting rolls period
He'll die in office, traitor to the end by withholding an R vote. Cant wait to see him, Flake, Ryan and the other Rinos go. Is Sasse out too? He's a real fucking tool.
You have to understand there is a paradigm shift going on. For example, Russian may now be a better ally than the UK, Germany or France.
Let's hope the House has a successful vote on [RR] tomorrow.
I dont have red shoes but I do eat pizza and hot dogs. Not a child abuser.
Peter Max tour de force. Quite amazing really. Great music of course.
It's Roseanne, you dumbass.
He's SO gonna kick Trump's ass!
We have anons here dumbass. You have to go back.